
The Magic Washer


Cleaning-Cone Detail

Comfort-Grip Handle

Is this you? Make your life better with the Magic Washer!

Don't work so hard! Invest in a Magic Washer today.


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What is the Magic Washer?



The Magic Washer, also known as the "Breathing Mobile Washer", is an amazing manual clothes washer. It gives you the power of a HIGH EFFICIENCY washer right in your own two hands! Uses no electricity, less water and less soap than any other hand washing method, with superior results to an automatic washer!

This scientifically designed washer provides DUAL ACTION cleaning. No wasted energy! Every stroke yields POWERFUL cleaning action as water is pushed and pulled through the clothes. This revolutionizes the way you wash your clothes by virtually eliminating rubbing and brushing, wear and tear on your hands, your clothes & your budget.

The Magic Washer's powerful cleaning action makes quick work of rugs, but is GENTLE enough for your most delicate garments! This product is made in the USA of the HIGHEST QUALITY materials and we provide a full 5 year replacement warranty!

Start saving money, time and the environment!

Stop wearing out your clothing! Stop the hassle of  torn seams and missing buttons! Stop working so hard!




Product Overview:
- Lightweight and made from durable plastics with a sturdy wooden handle - it will not rust away . . . ever.  
- Easy to dismantle and reassemble for packing or stowing - portable washing system!
- Powerful cleaning action - pushes AND pulls water through the clothing - will actually pull out residual detergent  left by electric washers!
- Gentle on fabrics, controlled agitation and easy to use
- Sturdy enough for large items (Comforters, Sleeping bags, rugs and blankets)
- Perfect "GREEN" product with less water, detergent and no electricity used.

Other great uses for the Magic Washer:

EMERGENCIES: Natural disasters and blackouts that knock out electricity - continue to stay fresh and clean with the Magic Washer.

EQUIPMENT FAILURE: Washing Machines fails or is too costly to repair - use this fast, efficient and cost effective alternative.

TRAVELING / VACATIONS:  Pack light and don't worry about dirty clothes - wash them on the spot.

NGO's: Great for groups that provid humanitarian services around the world where water/electricity may be in limited supply.  Makes a great hygiene product in countries where traditional washboards or stones are used to clean - simplifies lives.

STUDENTS:  Forget about dragging your laundry all over the place.  Wash in the privacy and comfort of your own place and save your money for a better purpose.

GREEN / ENVIRONMENTAL ENTHUSIASTS:  Super way to conserve resources like water and electricity, while saving money at the same time.

DELICATES / HARD TO CLEAN ITEMS: Trust the Magic Washer to gently clean hand washed items or put it to the test with large comforters, sleeping bags, blankets, rugs etc.  The unique pulling action lifts dirt. 

DROUGHT AREAS: Short on water? With the Magic Washer, clothes can be washed in as little as 1 1/2 gallons of water in a 5 gallon bucket.  

MILITARY:  The Magic Washer can make your deployment easier by helping you maintain clean clothes anywhere you may be.  

LAUNDRY SHOPS:  Use the Magic Washer to increase production, enhance efficiency and maximize profits. Do more laundry in less time!

Stop friction washing with hands, washboards and rocks. The Magic Washer is much more efficient and doesn't damage clothes. Keeps your hands young and beautiful!

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